The photographer on the road!
Recently, my travels took me to the Teutoburger Wald. In the very nice Bad Driburg -famous for its mineral springs – is the „Gräflicher Park Hotel„. If you’re into sports, you can do several things there. Playing golf or tennis, hunting or riding a horse … or relax in the spa.
Hhmmm… maybe I should start playing golf.
But of course you can also get married there and you can then be photographed by me.
1 Kommentar zu „On the Road: Gräflicher Wald Bad Diburg“
Vielen Dank für den Eintrag und die schönen Fotos!
Hochzeitsinteressierte finden hier alle Infos zum standesamtlichen oder kirchlichen Heiraten im „Gräflicher Park Hotel & Spa“: